Tomorrow is the Big Day, But I Stopped Counting Long Ago!

Injury, car accident and a severe allergy attack. What do they all have in common? They are all obstacles on my way to tomorrow. I couldn’t train the way I wanted to, so I don’t feel super prepared for the race, but that’s ok. Tomorrow is not about winning a prize or about making my best time. Tomorrow is about actually getting out there and doing something I never thought I had the ability to do before.

I used to run track in high school. I was a sprinter, and I wasn’t very good at it, but I had so much fun. I loved running as fast as I could, going all out for those 100 meters. My coach was convinced that I could be a distance runner, so she started me on the mile. For some reason, I just knew that it wasn’t a good idea, and sure enough I passed out after my first lap in my first race.

Since that horrible race experience I have wanted to really try and run a distance race and see if I could do it. Well, I can, I just can’t run the whole way yet. I am wogging (walking and jogging) but I am going the full 5K. And guess what? I’m doing it again two weeks from tomorrow, plus I have my eye on a few other races out there. I’d like to do 1 per month and see if I can run the whole distance by the summer. I can only train Fri-Sun, but it is better than nothing, and I can’t wait to see where I am at this time next year!

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